星期二, 六月 29, 2004


不过这样看来,我这两个星期,就能好好补一下blog 了!哈哈。。。

星期五, 六月 18, 2004






星期二, 六月 08, 2004






章学庭 Helen,原籍台湾,十岁便到新加坡念书,在一家跨国公司任职。为人开朗,有魄力,果断,一双清澈的眼睛让许多男士拜倒在她的石榴裙下,却完全不动心。自从一次偶遇,让她认识程启轩,两个人的命运开始纠缠在一块儿。

程启轩 Michael,新加坡人,聪明绝顶,眉宇间总流露着一股很特别的气质,霸道中带点忧郁。一向我行我素,走遍世界各地,唯独对上海有着深深的眷恋。一次美丽的邂逅,让他不能自拔地被学庭吸引着。








It used to be this way.

Doors wide open, children running in and out of the house, chasing after cackling hens, laughing merrily.

Women chatting in the open air kitchen, with the aroma of freshly cooked dinner filling the air, occasionally yelling at the one or 2 children who messed up the place.

Men sat by the table drinking ice cold beer, talking about the work day that just passed. That sheer warmth and joy of feeling free… that sense of community.

Nobody worried about anything...

That was simplicity. That was innocence. That, was life. But somewhere down the line, life changed.

People sealed up their homes and replaced the warm home with a cold house. People stopped smiling at others and when they talk, they talk behind others’ backs. The world suddenly became more dangerous.

Unkind thoughts sneaked into our minds. The sense of community eroded and things became complicated.

Slowly, people started to feel the difference and tried to make up for the difference by filling their lives with more activity. Planning, organizing, goal-setting… and then, stress crept in. People became so stressed out, that life would whiz past them, without them even knowing. Emptiness became like a black hole. It just kept sucking life out of them, never returning a single cent.

Title chase became a norm, and soon people were “killing” each other, over the search for power, and money. After that title chasing, tiredness overcame people, and some shrewd businessmen came up with the idea of stress management.

The businessmen built beautiful resorts and came up with fancy stress management tactics like reflexology and spas.

They painted pictures of flowing water, soothing sounds and beautiful sunsets to people.

They created that vision which many looked forward to.

It was a paradise. And the people were sold to that idea of a paradise. The price, however, was not cheap. Therefore, people went into the vicious cycle of finding more money to find more calm. Greed took over and people became slaves to money.

It became a status symbol, to buy that lifestyle that was once available to them. The lifestyle that was innocent, charming and full of laughter. What an irony!The things that people took for granted, became a luxury. People lost sight of who they really were. People lost track of what life was all about.

One fine day, they came to the end of their lives, and realized with a rude shock that their lives were nothing and have full of regrets.

If any of those things strike home for you, it’s time to take stock, and go back to the basics. Before I end, I just have something for you. In Buddhist monasteries, it was the cook’s duty to make the most sumptuous meal possible out of whatever ingredients that was available, rather than complaining about what he didn’t have.

Life, is what happens to you, when you are busy making other plans.






星期六, 六月 05, 2004

Gates: Blogging is serious business

Hehehe... was reading tech news and came across this article in www.asiacomputerweekly.com.

Gates said at the annual CEO summit:"What blogging and these notifications are about is that you make it very easy to write something that you can think of, like an email, but it goes up onto a web site... [blogging is about] gettng away fro the drawbacks of email, that it's too imposing, and the drawbacks of a web site, that you don't know if there's something new and interesting there."

In the same article, it has been implied that in future, businesses may be using blogs are a communication tool, somewhat similar to user groups and BBS... Microsoft at the moment, doesn't have any such products/tools... the market is going to be interesting... for bloggers like us... :)

星期二, 六月 01, 2004

刚读了一篇文章,是关于commitment phobia,直接翻译成中文,应该是承诺恐惧症吧?

为什么有些人会害怕做出承诺?以前,我老是以为只有男人才会有commitment phobia,其实不然。往身边的女性朋友看看,其实有蛮多都很害怕commitment,不为什么,只是因为一旦commit了,就得面对失去某些事物的可能。


有些则是看到周遭的朋友婚姻的不美满,更是认为commitment到头来只会让自己受到伤害。能怪谁呢?要怪只能怪社会发明了太多速食品,搞到连爱情都变成了速食面的一种。很多人在踏入教堂的那一天,发现自己承受不了commitment的压力而仿效Julia Roberts上演《逃婚记》。。。很可悲,对吗?


Woh... found out that 2 of my friends are pregnant over the last 2 days... guess this is the "IN" thing now, when we are all about that "getting hitched and child bearing" age...

Incidentally, I saw 2 very different scenarios in the 2 friends' pregnancy. One is constantly taken care of her mum refuse to let her go out at night alone), absolutely under heaps of TLC and very happy... the other, under alot of stress, which was coming from employer (which could be taken up to HR actually) and as well as her doctor... she has to be closely monitored due to health reasons.

Father Almighty, it is in Your Plan, that they are bestowed with child... I pray for them to be healthy, and have an easy time during pregnancy. This prayer also goes out to all the mums-to-be... In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen...