星期日, 十月 31, 2004

Favorite Hymns

At every Catholic mass there are hymns being sung... Some of my favorite hymns are here...

"As a Deer"
As a deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee ~
You alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship Thee.
You alone are my strength, my shield, to You alone may my spirit yield ~
You alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship Thee.

"You Are Mine"
I will come to you in the silence,
I will lift you from all your fear.
You will hear my voice,
I claim you as my choice,
Be still and know I am here.

Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow me
I will bring you home;
I love you and you are mine.

I am hope for all who are hopeless,
I am eyes for all who long to see.
In the shadows of the night,
I will be your light,
Come and rest in me.

Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow me
I will bring you home;
I love you and you are mine.

I am strength for all the despairing,
Healing for the ones who dwell in shame
All the blind will see,
The lame will run free,
And all will know my name.

Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow me
I will bring you home;
I love you and you are mine.

I am the Word that leads all to freedom,
I am the peace the world cannot give.
I will call your name,
Embracing all your pain,
Stand up, now walk, and live!

Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow me
I will bring you home;
I love you and you are mine.

I think I will have them sung at my wedding... :P

"I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name."
Is 49:15-16

"I am the good shepherd,and I know mine and mine know me."
Jn 10:14












星期六, 十月 30, 2004

Saga of the laptop that almost died...

My laptop crashed a couple of days ago. Damn, it was a horrible, infuriating experience.

Actually, it didn't exactly crashed... it was more like.. going to crash.. the hard disk was working doubly hard and making loud, protesting noises, and the whole laptop was just vibrating. All my work is in there, I can't possibly let it die on me... so I backed up the data, like any good ex-engineer would do, and sent the unit in for service.

The service centre was great, but what I didn't count on, was the miscommunication/misunderstanding between an irate customer and a technically very sound engineer. I asked for an express service... c'mon, it's month end + fiscal year end, there's quite a lot of work to do! All I needed was the hard disk changed...

The phone conversation went something like this:

Engineer: Hello, can I speak to Ms Kee Jillian Kee please?
Me: Yes this is Jillian speaking.
Engineer: Hi Ms Kee, I'm so-and-so calling from the service centre. You've just sent in a laptop right?
Me: Yes I did.
Engineer: Ms, I'm calling to tell you that although you asked for express service, but we may need a longer time to resolve your problem.
Me: Er... ok, so roughly how long would you need?
Engineer: Er... It depends on your hard disk size... it's a 40Gb right?
Me: Think so...
Engineer: It would take about 2 hrs for us to scan the disk, if we need to replace the disk, we need some time to do that and reload the OS for you.
Me: Ok... I need it urgently, can't you just replace the disk? It spins very loudly and it is quite possible that the disk is spoilt.
Engineer: Ah Ms, I cannot just replace like that. I need to troubleshoot and check. If the disk is really spoilt, I will change it for you. If I can't find any errors, I will just send the laptop back to you.
Me: What do you mean just send it back to me? If you can't find the problem, what should I do? No workarounds?
Engineer: If there is no problems, we will just send it back to you... Ms, from the technical aaspect, I cannot give you a workaround now before checking the disk!
Me: Yes I understand, I am not asking you to give me a workaround right this minute! But just pointer for you, never tell customer that you would return the goods to them because you can't find the problem!

Anyway, the call went on for a while, and it got me irritated. Next up, a fellow colleague had to remark that I am teh kind of customer that vendors hate... shit! I was already irritated, and yet someone can come and tell me such things!

I finally got my laptop back... almost 5 hours later... so happy... and then found out that the windows edition was loaded wrongly!! We use "Windows XP Professional edition", but it was reloaded with XP Home. Darn... after calling them again, they refered me to somewhere else... to reload the OS to XP Professional... and that, my friend... took another day... all in all, I was out of action without my laptop for 2 blahdy days... see la see la? Sometimes the customer service sucks big time...

Anyway, the laptop is back now... and here I am blogging again!

星期三, 十月 27, 2004









候 鸟

词/ 方文山 曲/ 周杰伦

出海口已经不远 我丢着空瓶许愿
海与天连成一线 在沙洲对你埋怨

芦苇花白茫一遍 爱过你短暂停留的容颜

过境说的永远 随着涨潮不见

你的爱飞很远 像候鸟看不见
在湿地的水面 那伤心乱成一遍

你的爱飞很远 像候鸟季节变迁

你的爱飞很远 像候鸟看不见
我站在河岸边 被树丛隔离想念

你的爱飞很远 像候鸟季节变迁
你往北 向南说再见

第一次听到这首歌,是933全亚洲齐步首播的时候,不晓得歌名是什么,只知道是S.H.E 唱的歌,曲风很“周董”。果然猜得没错,的确是周董为他们三位女生所写的歌。

方文山不愧是方文山,把爱情比喻成候鸟。。。 贴切。爱情就好像候鸟,随着季节的变迁,飞到别的地方去。。。来去无踪,来的时候静悄悄,去的时候不留一点眷恋。。。这就是爱情的特征吧?

星期二, 十月 26, 2004






一句话,you can't please everybody。这世上,一定会有人喜欢你,有人讨厌你,何必把这些过眼云烟的事情看得如此重要呢?

星期一, 十月 25, 2004

Christmas is coming...

Ya ya... I know I'm ahead of time. Oct's barely up and I'm saying the Christmas is coming soon... :D

Was at Borders yesterday, and the whole shop is decked with gifts for Christmas... Orchard Road has christmas decorations up on the trees, the season's turning wet (instead of snowing...), the crowd's slowly coming in... the only thing we are missing are the songs... the nice christmas carols...

Any idea when the lights will be switched on? It will be nice.... :) I'm looking forward to Christmas!

星期日, 十月 24, 2004


我的一个好姐妹昨天注册结婚了。。。 认识了十几二十年。。。她脸上的笑容,是这些年来最美,最灿烂,最幸福的。


当然,看见她那么开心,我们这群老朋友也为她献上最真诚的祝福。。。感觉是有点难以形容,小学时代的种种事情依然历历在目,好像 recess time 跑到 rain tree 下面玩耍等等。。。如今朋友结婚了,彼此的生活有了点改变,感情还会像从前那样好吗?



星期四, 十月 21, 2004




有人说,小女子我,有一张明星脸,长得像。。。*drum roll please!*





我的妈哟,好像不像,跑去像那个“笑查某”黄小姐?拜托一下啦?我比较像TCS 的“郑X珍”小姐,好不好?不过是撞歪脸的郑小姐!



好好好,言归正传,其实,我是郑X文小姐失散多年,排行最小的妹妹。。。 嘿嘿。。。难道你没看到她在“百X百X觉”里那个造型,跟我很像吗?


那请你再回家看VCD 看多几遍,要不到KBox 去点她那首“不拖X欠”来唱唱看。。。想我的时候,又看不到我,那你应该知道怎么做了吧?哈哈!


*以上言论,并不代表作者在清醒之后的立场。。。如有冒犯之处,请在下一次日蚀三分钟之后,拨电至 +xx xxxx xxxx询问详情。*




很想把 tag-board 拿掉。。。因为把它放在这里,好像都没用。。。








唉。。。Murphy's Law。。。


那么 让我诚实一点
诚实 难免有不能控制的宣泄
只要关上了门 不必理谁

手机 让它休息一夜
难 像切歌切掉回忆的画面

生日快乐 我对自己说
蜡烛点了 寂寞亮了
生日快乐 泪也融了

还爱你 带一点恨
还要时间 才能平衡
热恋伤痕 幻灭重生 祝我生日快乐

星期三, 十月 20, 2004

The Only Constant

Of all things in the world, ladies and gentlemen, the only thing that is constant is change. For some people, it means a life struggle.

How many of you still remember your first day of school? Or your child’s first day of school? It’s horrible, isn’t it? The ruckus being kicked up; the tears that flowed endlessly; the sheer strength that forced your parents to literally drag you to school. That’s most likely the first major change for as long as we remembered. We resisted, yet we prevailed. Obviously! Otherwise we wouldn’t be here today, would we?

I believe in taking change in stride. On my first day of school when all the kids around me were bawling their eyes out, I walked out of the classroom after my mother, asking for pocket money. I have to eat during recess time right? I’d reckoned that it was hopeless trying to make my mum change her mind in sending me to that crazy place. Ah… young girl, embracing the first change in her life.

Changes are inevitable. Changes can be positive or negative. Changes throw people off track. Changes create a whole lot of uncertainty. Most of us here, are unfortunately not programmed to welcome change. We are risk adverse. We fear about the unknown on the other side of change.

There is a comfort zone for every one of us. We are so accustomed to something, that we become lazy. Of course, this comfort zone may not be the most comfortable, but why rock the boat? Ever feel that you are so miserable in what you are doing but just can’t bring yourself to get out of the misery? Yes! That’s exactly what I am talking about. You may have already been so settled, that the thought of getting out of the misery spells fear and uncertainty to you! I know how it feels, to be scared of what lies ahead. I’ve been through this not once, but many times.

For those of you who know me very well, you know this. I was a Hwa Chong student. One of the best colleges, they say, hence they conclude that I must be smart. But, instead of acing my subjects, I almost couldn’t make it to university. During the university admission exercise, I got posted to computer science, something which I had NEVER touched in my whole life until that point. It was a radical change, it was a tough challenge, I didn’t know where it would take me. But, I didn’t know what else I could do, so I went ahead. Going with the flow of things, I made sure I make it to be a positive experience, at the very least, a neutral one. That step that I took, transformed my life.

Change means a whole lot of things. That’s why we are all so apprehensive and hesitant about changing.

Change is equivalent to responsibility. You have to start accepting responsibility for where you are right now, not the way you think they are but the way they really are. You have the ability to take your life from where it is and create what you really want. You have to be open and willing ? open to a deeper understanding of what can be possible and willing to let go of the way it is and what has come before. In order to transform, you must focus on the vision you hold for the future instead of how it has been in the past or even where it is today. It means getting clear about what you want and the vision you see for yourself, then making a commitment to make it happen.

Change also means excitement, challenge and opportunity. Being open for possibilities means creating a life beyond what you can think of today. It means that there are no limits to how wonderful life can become if you are open to receive that which the world has to offer. Keep the focus on what you want your life to look like and stop putting up with people or things that get in the way of your dream. Remember, you are responsible for your life and its course.

Stop getting in your own way!

Right now, this minute, you have the power to change your life.

Make the commitment to no longer accept mediocrity and you have taken the first step.

Remember: life was not meant to be a struggle and if we stay in the flow it will never be a struggle. It is only when we hold on to our attachments or try to control a situation that needs to change that we begin to struggle. And when we surrender control and trust in the perfection of all things, we bring ourselves back into the flow. The transformation will be tremendous, like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon, in search of bigger, better things in life.

Your life is waiting. Start embracing change!

星期二, 十月 19, 2004



小妹:今天在comp lab做project的时候,看到一个女的。。。她坐在第一排,然后一直跟着Class 95 唱歌咧。

:啊? 真的吗?



小妹:(唱)虹彩妹妹嗯海哟(很 high 哟)!


星期一, 十月 18, 2004

As I blog...

It's funny. Sometimes I wonder why I blog...

I mean, I really have nothing to say... I don't have good ideas to share, I don't have an interesting life that is amusing to readers out there. I don't even know if anyone else besides Odie, is reading. What the hell am I writing for?

It's Monday, I'm still sleepy from Saturday night's party, and I just don't feel like doing anything. Yes... the party occurred on Saturday night into the early Sunday morning...

My friend is getting officially tied down... my friend of 16 (or is it 17?) years. Goodness... time flies. She's having a beach wedding reception and the dresscode is obviously beachwear and sundresses. Damn. I can't wear sundresses... I look fat in them. I have 1 week... well, less than 5 days to be exact, to slim down, or risk looking like a giant with flabby arms that puts dumbo's ears to shame. I'm too fair... maybe I should book myself into some spa and get a brownie treatment... maybe if I look burnt I would look skinnier... and therefore look better in sundresses...

I've got a speech to prepare for... it's suppose to inspire the audience... heck. I'm not even feeling inspired myself. What can I say? I am no Anthony Robbins... It's on wednesday... I'm going to die...! Real inspiring speakers do it without cue cards.. they are so flamboyant! With fantastic body lang! With cool, inspiring vocab! I'm going to die... I should just go home and write my speech... and rehearse to my dad's fish... or the family tortoise...

Argh... it's a dreary monday...





想当年,什么“long island tea”,“tequila pop”, 都是小事一桩啦。


上个周末,应该是我这两年来最“happening”的一个周末。礼拜五,和同事到“Paulaner Brauhaus”去,喝了点德国啤酒。礼拜六,喝一群朋友庆祝“Hen's Night”,喝了3瓶红酒,一瓶梅酒,外加一点Tequila,耗到早上四点多才睡,七早八早又爬了起来。。。结果,到了今天,因为睡眠不足的关系,我还觉得累。。。


星期四, 十月 14, 2004



这个星期练了两天。。。 太神奇了。要不是因为比赛快来了,我也不会去练球吧?不不不,应该说要不是因为比赛快到了,我也不会跑去运动?哎,真是太失败了。

不是不喜欢打球了,而是想要尝试一下其他的东西。你可能会说,一个星期才练一次,很辛苦吗?问题是,当你只有那一天可以做自己想要做的事,或是那一天才能和某人吃饭聊天,你会选择什么?现在,priority 不一样了。。。




星期三, 十月 13, 2004












那年秋天,受不了诱惑,一头栽了下去。我们托着手,在浪漫城市漫步。 心里的不确定,在这时浮起。 或许一切来得太快了,可能过了些时间会好一点。


就这样,我们一起走过数个秋天,平平淡淡,无风无浪。原本以为会这样到老,却不期然遇到久违的人。一个令我牵挂很久的人。。。沉睡已久的感情一发不可收拾。。。 在一个夏天,我对他说:“谢谢,对不起。”









星期二, 十月 12, 2004

Decision Paralysis

One of the things I absolutely can't stand... is decision paralysis. U know how it is, going round and round but not coming to ANY decision.

Why is it so difficult to decide on anything? Or maybe I should ask why is it so difficult to come to a common understanding?

Sometimes it's because no one takes the lead, but sometimes, people just want to be difficult. Darn.

Hello??? Didn't anyone tell u that time is MONEY? For God's sake! It's an old cliche that has been around for AGES!

Hey, and while I'm on that topic... Punctuality. Oh please! Getting people to be on time for appointments is bloody difficult. Must bring the apoointment time 30 mins early than the stipulated time so that everyone can be on TIME.

I can go on and on... Make me stop! Make a decision now!

星期一, 十月 11, 2004

我又想起你 - 江美琪








他们或许代表着一个美好的梦想,一个灰姑娘的故事,或许让平民们暂且忘却现实生活的苦难。。。 他们塑造了一个个神话,就好像占士甸和猫王一样,就好像梅姑和哥哥一样。。。现在超人也和他们聚在一起了。


Run? Are u sure?

I said I would run right? After that binging spree yesterday?

I woke up at 6am, just like what I said I would do... but... it was POURING!!! Darn. I went back to bed.

Anyway, I think I will ask my sis along for a run tonight... to atone for my laziness...

星期日, 十月 10, 2004

Functional Food?

Had a wide array of food today. For some reason, we decided to check out new places. After all, the routine of sashimi and pasta is boring me to death already. In the end, we checked out a Peranakan place at Katong during lunch, and had satay and BBQ stingray at Lau Pa Sat in the evening. Not too bad... but we both ended up feeling fat and unhealthy... which brings me to, is food functional? Or is it to be enjoyed?

Now some people subscribe to the "Live to eat" school of thought. They believe, our existence in this world would be incomplete, if we do not get to enjoy the various exotic delicacies and that they might as well not exist, if good food is unavailable.

The other group of people, on the other hand, thinks that they "eat to live". Food is functional to them, as someone I know puts it, it only serves the purpose of filling them up and giving them the essential energy to partake in daily activities. Whether the food is delicious would therefore be irrelevant to them.

You know how Singapore is. Singaporeans would TRAVEL and QUEUE to find good food. We have all the "wine and dine"s and "makan sutra"s and the "unofficial guides" to good food, and often, you find long queues in front of the stall. Sometimes, it is just overrated hype, sometimes, it is really worth the wait. It IS the national past time, perhaps rated even higher than shopping. It's the best business to go into, if you don't mind getting dirty and working when others are resting. Even when economy is down, F&B thrives.

Anyway, I'm feeling so fat now, that I think I'm going to the gym or something tomorrow. Haha...

星期五, 十月 08, 2004

迷。。。 可能是你迷路了,可能是你为某一样东西着了迷,导致迷失方向。。。




男人自觉方向感好,那为什么仍然迷失情欲世界 (注:是“情欲”,不是“情感”噢!),迷恋遥不可及的人与物,沉迷在自己编织的世界?






过了不久,女生开始发觉不妥。四处打听之下,才知道原来男生已经有了发妻。女生曾经想不计名份,却越想越不甘心,一方面觉得自己似乎在浪费时间和感情,一方面也觉得对不起男生的妻子, 产生了罪恶感。在几个星期后,女生挥剑斩情丝,重获自由。可笑的是,女生从来不知道男生的话是否只是用来哄骗小女生的花言巧语。

事隔多年,男生遇见了女生,对她说了句“对不起”。“I'm not sorry about what I did, I'm sorry for what has happened to you.” 很奇怪的一句话,除了这句话的主人,相信应该是没几个人能解读吧?当年所发生的事,就让它随风而去吧。。。

星期四, 十月 07, 2004


做人一定要有打不死的精神,好像杂草一样,春风吹又生。。。 哈哈。。。






yadda, yadda, yadda

A lot of the things written here, were part of my speeches done in the toastmaster movement. Yes, I am a toastmaster, a new one, slightly over a year old.

Feel strange sometimes, I mean, local toastmasters scene... even those in other countries, seem to be more of a retiree program... haha, for some reasons, my impression of toastmasters was that it is a meeting ground for retirees...

Thank God it is really not like that in reality...

星期三, 十月 06, 2004

The Journey

I am NOT going to talk about the toastmaster’s movement tonight; you probably know more than I do. Instead, I shall share my journey so far, with you.

The past year, had been a year of immense learning for me, because I joined and became the charter Vice President of Education in this club. I could still remember the struggles of setting up the club as if it was yesterday.

At one point, we almost couldn’t get enough interested parties to form the charter club. So when we finally submitted the papers in September 2003, the whole lot of us absolutely beamed with pride.

During the club’s charter night last year, then division D governor Michael Rodrigues told us that the journey had in fact, just begun. This is an in-house club, and we most definitely will be facing a different set of challenges ahead of us.

As the year wore on, the club lost some of her charter members and gained some new members. We even lost 50% of the Executive Committee members.

The whole burden of leading and growing the club fell solidly onto the remaining 4 members. Soon, Leonard, Felix and I were double-hatting, triple-hatting, just to make sure that the meetings went smoothly.

In between the meetings, we were conducting membership drives, trying out lunchtime meetings and organizing speechcraft sessions. The guys basically took care of the logistics while I took care of the agenda and filling of the various appointments with Angela’s help.

Frankly, it was painful being VPE. For the past year, I had to beg the members to take the first step forward and to continue practicing their public speaking skills, literally.

Almost every single time, even before the meeting started, I was on my way to find the appointment holders and speakers for the next meeting.

Only once. Only once, we let the meeting slip. The president was on a business trip, no one responded that they were coming, I did not have speakers or appointment holders; all I had were the evaluators whom we had invited. We cancelled that meeting.

While begging members to fill up the slots and the various appointments, it dawned on me that there was no SINGLE pitch that worked, even for a simple call for personal development.

We had members who wanted to only do the 10 basic projects and not take up any appointments for various reasons.

We had members who were so happy filling the various appointments that they didn’t do any project speeches at all.

We had members whom we have never seen since the first meeting, but they gladly pay the membership dues and continue to be a toastmaster.

What actually drives them to attend meetings, take up the various appointments and better their skills? Believe me, I’m still finding out.

I’ve learnt my lessons, some the hard way.

Lesson number 1: Team work helps a long way. Without that solid teamwork, we couldn’t have pulled the whole stint off. We were relying on one another, filling for each other if someone couldn’t make it, we shared each other’s burdens.

Lesson number 2: shit happens. Apply the 90/10 rule. We can’t control what happens sometimes, but we can control how we react to the situation. Rules are set for us to follow, but we have to exercise flexibility and creativity at the same time.

Lesson number 3: It’s not one-size-fits-all. What works for one, may not necessarily work for another. We had to come up with various tactics and techniques, more than we ever had to do anywhere else.

It’s amazing how being in the toastmaster environment sharpens both your verbal and leadership skills. Trust me, there’s so much to learn, from the official protocol, to rules governing the human to human interaction.

If you are still considering picking up the application form or continuing the membership, please do so. I assure you that it will be money well spent, if you keep an open mind.

My journey in toastmasters continues, even after stepping down as VPE, after completing my 10 basic projects. All of us, you included, have worked so hard to come so far. Let’s keep the fire going, and continue our endeavor in pursuing communication and leadership excellence. I’ve shared my journey, and I hope in time to come, you will share yours with us too…

Toastmaster of the Evening.

The Weighty Issue

“Dear, do I look fat?”

Aha! The million dollar question. I am very sure, that all of you guys here in this room have fallen into this age-old trap before. The extensive preoccupation with that obscene word that spells F.A.T, is the IN thing nowadays.

Tthe widespread media coverage of slim, skinny and skimpily-dressed women bombards our sense of vision every other minute. Men look at these pictures and drool. Women, look on in envy and wonder how they too, can look like them.

From fad diets to slimming pills to slimming centres, it is this fixation that is consuming the market nowadays. Just run a search on the Internet and you will get millions of hits on the subject. It doesn’t help that celebrities swear by those fad diets like the Zone diet and the Atkins diet or endorse slimming centres and slimming pills. No wonder there are more bulimics and anorexics nowadays, and it is affecting teenagers and adults alike. You either gorge-and-purge, or develop an animosity towards food.

Then you have shows like Nip and Tuck and Extreme Makeover, wow, that’s really something! There is hope after all, for the rest of us, the ugly and fat cohort. But wait a minute, nothing comes free, do they? Read the fine prints and you will realize that there is hope ONLY if you have the “moolah”, or money, as we normally call them! A liposuction costs about $10000 and it doesn’t decrease the number of fat cells you have which essentially means over time, you put on the weight again, if you are not careful. Oh and forget about slimming pills, they only make you agitated, break out in cold sweat and wreck your body big time. Remember the Andrea De Cruz saga? That’s not pretty.

One of the things I realized over the years, is that weight loss, is a step by step process. Pretty much like keeping your hair long or growing up, losing weight is not a fly-by-night kind of incident. Experts have published articles after articles on healthy weight loss tips and the professional recommendation is to lose 1 kilogram per month, with the help of an exercise regime, and healthy eating habits. For the record, to lose 0.5 kilograms of fat requires a deficit of 3500 calories, which translates into 1 whole cheesecake or 6 hours of moving furniture continuously. Get the picture?

The other thing I’ve learnt is not to get too hung up about the number that appears when you stand on the bathroom scale. Especially if you have been regularly working out. The reason is, as long as you are working out, you are developing muscles, which weighs more than fat. Similarly, as the muscle composition increase, your body burns more fat. Eventually, you will be leaner than before, but the scale may tell you otherwise.

At the end of the day, the weighty issue falls back onto our shoulders. No one can help you, unless you first acknowledge your obsession with the number on the scale. Throw out all those slimming pills and fad diet articles, park those thoughts about slimming centres aside. It’s time to get real and set an attainable goal and embark on the journey to good health. It’s not about how much spare cash you have to spend, or how determined you are to lost weight. It is about being ready to start making a difference. Do it right and you’ll never have to do battle with the number game again!

星期一, 十月 04, 2004


佩服那些作家,能把一件件平凡无比的事娓娓道来,用一笔一划勾画出丰富的感情,唯美的意境, 让读的看的,流出一把鼻涕一把泪。






