星期六, 九月 27, 2003

It's been raining the whole day... made a wise choice of working from home! Haha... and hey, I did accomplish something ok? Working from home certainly has its perks sometimes! The only thing is, I've been hogging the broadband modem... (no, I don't have a wireless router) and my poor siblings didn't get to surf the net for the whole day. Which is good for them actually, they can then put the time to better use... :D

Got a notice for me to pick up some stuff from the post office. Wierd people, they always like to send things to my house when no one's around. Anyways, Murphy's at work again, I guess. Just like when you are late for a meeting and somehow all the traffic lights along the road are RED... or when you desperately need a holiday, something MUST come up the last minute...

I'm going on and on and on... rattling nonsense. Some crap show is on TV now, not interested. The TV shows by the local TV station sometimes gets on my nerves... so pretentious... and they can't ACT. Good actors and actresses should get into the role so well, that audience can't feel that they are acting! But *sigh* it doesn't happen here... most of them just stand around and look pretty... Once in a while you get really good acting, but most of the time, it sends my goose pimples into hyperactive mode.

Arghh... my room is in a mess.... I thought I just cleaned it up, now it's back to where it was... what is gong to happen when I have my own house? Die lah, sure get buried in deep piles of paper, books, clothes... what-have-yous... doesn't help when I have a sister who is studying for exams now, all her precious notes lying somewhere... better not throw anything... seem to be running out of storage space too... how ah?

星期四, 九月 18, 2003






星期三, 九月 17, 2003



大概一个半月前,我发现自己颈项部位有点肿,于是便找医生看看。结果发现原来是甲状腺出了问题,而且有不寻常的细胞。在和医生详细讨论之后,我便决定切除肿瘤。肿瘤切除后的化验结果,证实是甲状腺癌症的一种,英文称papillary cancer。

当我知道化验结果的时候,我真的不知道该有什么反应,真的不晓得该觉得自己很幸运,或是不幸运。怎么说呢?由于年纪的关系,我在做了手术之后痊愈的机会非常高,再加上由于癌细胞没扩散,所以痊愈的机会非常接近100%。可是,甲状腺癌症,只占了所有甲状腺问题病例的少数,大概只有少过5%罢了。而我,也因为这样,根本无法在短期内购买保险,得等到三五年后,保险公司重新考虑,才能买。那时,他们可能会把我列进high risk group,保费也会比较高。
