星期一, 十一月 29, 2004




观察久了,却发现每一段恋情,其实也有相似的地方。对,那 underlying principle 是一样的。基本的尊重,两性之间最原始的差别,你的恋情有,我的也有。

有人曾经告诉我:“作为女朋友,或老婆,最重要的是让另一半在别人面前看起来威风,有面子。就算他的论点不对,就算你非常非常生他的气,在别人面前,还是要为他留台阶。”以前,我不懂这句话的意思,总觉得干吗要迁就他?错就是错啊!难道我要像傻瓜一样,明知道他错还维护着他?其实不然。这是一种相处之道。男人需要面子。他觉得开心,有颜面,对你当然也好一点。It's an ego thing!




现在很没有心情写东西,或许这段时间会很少看到我的踪影。。。Take a break,或许到时候,会有新的 ideas,新的感触。。。就这样了!




星期六, 十一月 27, 2004



这一整个礼拜都在忙,整个礼拜都没回家吃饭。。。时间排得满满,咖啡因指数也攀高了许多。工作堆积如山。。。 整个 team 只剩下我。。。 没办法啊!我们只是一个很小很小的队伍,加上指挥(老板)只有4人罢了。Yes, it is a very very lean team...


星期四, 十一月 25, 2004
















疯子的语文程度。。。太“独杠”(read: "tokgong") 了。不愧是“精华”。也因为这样,本人觉得很汗颜。。。疯子是学长耶,同样是来自一样的地方,哎哟这华语的程度未免也相差得太远了吧?

我读过中华文学,考完了'O' 水准便统统“原银奉还”。。。什么唐宋诗词。。。都不怎么记得了。。。记得诗人忘了诗,真丢脸。读过中华文学有如何?唉。。。大学三年级的时候,跑到文学系选修初级文学,考试的时候竟然忘了水浒传的“浒”字怎么写。



星期三, 十一月 24, 2004









星期一, 十一月 22, 2004

Personal Attacks... an old email revisited

Was going through some of my old emails... and came across this old email directed at me... remember feeling very upset over this... and even as I read it now, I still feel a stab.

I've edited this post. Originally posted the entire email... but after a couple of hours, I decided it's not so nice to do that... I mean, what would that make me? What purpose does it serve? So I edited this post, to take out the email...

But the email contents were scary... and it came from someone whom i thought was a friend. I was horrified at the accusations and was very hurt. I felt that I was being bullied and belittled because this person thinks that I am a young punk who deserves to be screamed at. It wasn't easy. The worse thing was someone else got dragged into this whole fiasco as well. I also lost the respect for that particular person, and in a separate email I actually wrote:"respect needs to be earned. and you've lost my respect."

The incident made me doubt my own abilities. For a long time, I was very affected by what was being said of me and my actions, and I really felt that I was a bad employee, bad peer, whatever. You wouldn't understand, if you had not been in the same situation that I was in. Left me trembling with anger, felt I was pushed to the wall, and was already "guilty by suspicion".

After that incident, I kept reminding myself to protect my own butt... I've gotten wary of people. All kinds of people, you will meet... be strong, and earn the respect. I'm sorry, but welcome to the real world. It's a dog-eat-dog world...

Ways to keep a healthy level of insanity

A funny mail I received...

1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.
4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "in"
5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has Gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
6.Tell your children over dinner "due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."
7. Finish all your sentences with "in accordance with the prophecy."
8. Dont use any punctuation marks
9. As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
10. Ask people what sex they are. Laugh hysterically after they answer.
11. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go".
12. Sing along at the opera.
13. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.
14. Put mosquito netting around your work area. Play a tape of jungle sounds all day.
15. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood.
16. Have your coworkers address you by your wrestling name, Rock Hard Kim.
17. When the money comes out the ATM, scream "I won!", "I won!" "3rd time this week!!!!!"
18. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot, yelling "run for your lives, they're loose!!"

And the final way to keep a healthy level of insanity......

19. Send this e-mail to everyone in your address book, even if they sent it to you or asked you not to send them stuff like this.

Where does your beauty lie?


Your Beauty lies in Dreams. Day-dreamer, creative and forever lost in thoughts. You're a dreamer, wanting more in your life than you have now. Though you a lot of your dreams never seem to leave your own mind. You've created your own little world inside that head of yours and you're most beautiful when your mind is in the clouds with sparkles in your eyes. You'd rather be asleep than awake and people find it hard to have long conversations with you as you mind often wanders and you aren't a big fan of reality. You are long and almost child-like probably with a great love for Fantasy or Science Fiction. You're very creative and most likely love to write wonderful stories or draw and even sing, anything creative that you can use that vast imagination of yours. You're a bit of a puzzle to people love to wonder as to what is going in your mind.

Some Things That Represent You:

Element: Water, Wind
Animal: Eagle
Color: Purples, Blues,Pinks, Misty Colors
Song: Imaginary by Evanescence
Expression: Blank Stare
Gemstone: Rose Quartz
Mythological Creature: Unicorn,Fairy
Sign: Cancer
Planet: Saturn
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Violet

Quote:"I lie inside myself for hours and watch my purple skies fly over me."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla

星期日, 十一月 21, 2004







星期五, 十一月 19, 2004

Want to know me better? Read my blog!

Actually I really didn't know what I was doing when I started my first blog more than a year ago. I mean, it sounded so juvenile... hehehe no offence ya? But as the blogging went on... and after I tried blogging in chinese, boy, I can tell you that this is really quite interesting... and I'm sure no one would disagree on that!

Blogs are personal stuff... like someone said, it's really a virtual home, some "intangible" abode that people go back to, after a crappy day, some nice warm "living room" that you relax in, except that it doesn't exist anywhere other than the world of binaries and TCP/IP...

It's quite funny reading other people's blogs. What they have to say, what they experience, or simply their thoughts. The privacy is lost. For some reasons... like a friend puts it... it's like inviting uninvited visitors to your house and displaying all that you are or are not in front of them... strangers... yet... the interesting part is that we often get so engrossed, that we begin to feel that we actually know this other person being the monitor who's blogging down all those thoughts and feelings... and sometimes, we become friends... in the virtual world. Never met in the entire life... but we know all about the other party...

Of course, some blogs reveal soooo much about the author to the point of being crass. I mean, I would never want to publish my more intimate details or whatever, and expose myself like an exhibitionist. I have nothing against them, just that I myself wouldn't want to air my "dirty linen" out in the vast virtual field...

Well, perhaps one of these days, my blog entries might become a sort of autobiography... it'll be there... and perhaps my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren will be able to know their mum, grandma, great grandma better... through the existence of this blog... assuming blogger remains in business for that long... *grin*

星期四, 十一月 18, 2004










星期三, 十一月 17, 2004












星期一, 十一月 15, 2004

Of porridge and magazines...

The holidays are over... and I am officially down with flu. Damn the flu bug!

I haven't had flu for a year already... thanks to the flu vaccination I took a year ago. This year, I didn't take any, and I fell sick... with the horrid bug. Started feeling the "works" on Saturday morning... you know, the strange itchy throat, and bulgy eye feeling. By evening, I was sniffing away, feeling drowsy...

Anyway, I spent the whole holidays sleeping in bed. The anti-histamine sure worked! It was sad, I was hoping to enjoy myself during the break, as I was stuck in Singapore. Well, seems taht my body insists that I should be resting!

So for the whole of the 3 days, I was eating porridge and porridge, and more porridge. Who was the one who said that if someone's sick, feed him porridge? Is there any scientific proof to say the porridge is good for healing? My dearest boyfriend, insists that porridge is good for sick people! I wonder if he meant people who are sick in the brains... My mum fed me "bee tai mak" when I was sick last time... :P

So finally after 3 days of runny nose, I couldn't take it anymore. My nose was sore from the constant blowing and it made me look more like the infamous rednosed reindeer than anything else. More bulgy and watery eyes, bloodshot too, looked so sapped of energy, it made me wonder where did all the sleep go to? I looked as though I've been deprived of sleep for 3 days and 3 nights! I went to see a doctor, and waited... and waited... I think it must have been an hour, before I saw the doctor... for 3 minutes! Got some fedac and danzen and it costed me $38. All because it's public holiday and it was after 6pm.

All these time while I was at the doctor's, my lovely boyfriend surprised me by buying magazines for me... without me knowing, until I got home and opened my bag... so sweet of him... only thing is... I wonder if I'll be awake to read them...

星期四, 十一月 11, 2004






星期三, 十一月 10, 2004



会叫树的原因,是因为我擅长画水彩画,最爱画树,久而久之,我的画作右下方索性以一棵树来代表我。 高中三年交过五个女朋友,有一个女孩子,我很爱她,却迟迟不敢追,她没有美丽的面孔,没有姣好的身材,没有撩人的魅力,一个再平凡不过的女孩子。

我喜欢她,真的真的很喜欢她,喜欢她的单纯,她的直率,她的可爱,她的智障,她的脆弱。 不追她的原因,也许是潜意识觉得平凡如她配不上我;也许是因为怕在一起后,一切的好感都会消失;也许是怕外人的指指点点伤害了她;也许是觉得,她会是我的,不用急着为了她而放弃一切。 最后这个原因,让她陪了我三年,让她看着我和别的女孩子厮混了三年,让她心痛了三年。

她很想当一个好演员,但我却像一个严苛的导演。我和第二个女朋友在厕所接吻,被她撞见,她?尴尬的笑笑说:「Go ~ on!」然后跑掉,第二天,她眼睛肿得像核桃一样,我故意不去猜想是谁让她哭成这样,嘲笑了她一天,她在所有人都回家后,在教室哭了起来,她不知道练球回来拿东西的我,看了她一个多小时。




毕业典礼时,我在手机上发现了一封简讯,这是十天前,我掩面大哭时传来的,只是我一直?有去开过机。 「叶子的离开,是因为风的追求,还是树的不挽留。」

高中时,喜欢搜集叶子,why?因为我觉得,一片叶子要离开它长期依赖的树,好勇敢哩! 高中三年,我和一个男孩子很好,不算男女朋友那种好,是好朋友那种好,但是,在他交第一个女朋友时,我学会了一种不该有的感觉,吃醋,心中的酸,不是一颗柠檬可以比喻,那就像是100颗臭酸的柠檬,酸到不行,他们只在一起两个月,当他们分手,我还得掩饰自己心中?烈的喜悦,但是一个月后,他和另一个女孩子在一起。



直到三年级下学期,高二一个学弟喜欢上我,每天的热情追求,令我从一开始的拒绝,渐渐愿意挪出我心房的一些位置给他。他像一阵温柔而持久的风,撩拨我这片摇摇欲坠的叶子,到最后,我发现我已经不想只留一点点的位置给这阵风,我知道这阵风,会带我这片伤痕累累的叶子,到更幸福的地方。 于是我离开了树,树只是笑笑,没有挽留。 「叶子的离开,是因为风的追求,还是树的不挽留。」

因为我喜欢的女孩子叫叶子,因为她有一棵令她依恋的树,所以我要当一阵风,一阵呵护她的风。 第一次看见她,是高二我转?一个月后的事,个子小小的她坐在球场旁,一双眼凝视着同和我在球场的学长,每天的社团时间,她总会坐在那里,一个人,和朋友,她的眼光依旧凝视着他,当他和女孩子打打闹闹,她的眼中有泪,当他看向她,她的眼中有笑。看她成了我的习惯,就像她爱看他。

有一天她没来,我心中没来由的焦虑与不安,我无法解释那种感觉,除了不安,还是不安,而且那学长竟然也不在。我冲去他们教室,躲在外面,看着学张骂她,她的眼泪,他的离去。 第二天,她依旧坐在场边,看着他,我走过去,对她笑一笑,拿了张纸条给她,她先是惊讶的看着我,然后笑笑地收下。 隔天,她拿着纸条出现在我面前,然后离开。 「叶子的心太沉重,风吹不动。」 「不是叶子的心太沉重,是叶子根本就不想离开树。」

我回给她这段话后,她渐渐会和我说话,收我的礼物,接我的电话。 我知道她喜欢的不是我,但我还是有毅力一定要让她喜欢上我,四个月内我告白了不下20次,每一次她都转移话题,但我还是不会放弃,我?定要的人,我就一定会给它追过来! 一直到不知道第几次的告白,出了口,虽然知道她一定会又说到别的事,但还是有一丝丝希望她的答应,?想到她都不说话,「?在干嘛?怎么不说话?」我对着话筒说。

「我在点头。」 「啊?」我不敢相信自己的耳朵。 「我在点头!」她大声叫。 我甩掉电话,匆匆披上一件衣服,上了机车,冲去她家按门铃,当她开门的那一?那,紧紧抱住她。


星期二, 十一月 09, 2004



很多年前,爷爷去世的时候,我也没哭。没哭,不代表我和爷爷的感情不好, 相反的,我们的感情很深,很深。问我为什么没哭,我却不知该如何回答。他过世后的某一天,很久很久以后的某一天,我却突然崩溃了。。。

感情,没有常规,没有逻辑, 没有定律。有的话,还叫感情吗?



顾及到“别人”,What about us?








星期日, 十一月 07, 2004

Food Journal Days 5-7

Paiseh, never update for a while... I'm always like that... weekends are precious to me, that's why I always spend the entire weekend outside playing... :P

Now let's see if I can still remember what I ate on Friday and Saturday...

Friday, 5 Nov 2004

1 homemade burger

1 pack lemon chicken rice

1 plate steam rice
Some veg
Some beancurd skin, braised

Saturday, 6 Nov 2004

1 bowl Katong Roxy laksa, didn't finish gravy
1 cup sugarcane juice

6 pieces of sashimi
1 california handroll
1 tempura maki
1 glass green tea

1/2 spinach pizza
5 meatballs
celery strips
some cheese
A bottle of Vergelegen Merlot shared with my boyfriend

Geez. Wine killed me again, on Saturday. We were at Wine Company at Dempsey Road at about 8+. It was really crowded. Think the article that Straits Times ran on them, was attracting many people...

Sunday, 7 Nov 2004

1/2 bowl of Shio Ramen (Vegetarian)
A bit of glutinous rice
2 small lotus rabbit bun
1 Har Kow

After breakfast, I had a major bout of migraine. Well, it actually started before breakfast. We were driving around, and I suddenly couldn't focus. I couldn't make out the number plates a car away. It was scary... Not sure if it was because it was too bright, but I started to feel nauseous, very typical of migraine. I think I scared the hell out of my boyfriend. I haven't had migraine in years... and this was really worse than any of the previous occurrences. Went back to rest after that, and slept for 5 hours. Thank God it got better after I woke up.

Dinner (Yap, didn't eat lunch... was sleeping)
1/2 bowl of taiwan porridge
Some Szechuan Veg with Pork slices
Sweet and Sour pork
1/2 prawn omelette
1 can pokka green tea

After which, we adjurned to The Fullerton's Postbar for some drinks. Wasn't ready to have alcohol... too bad for my head, so decided I should just have non-alcoholic drinks. Ended up with:
1.5 chicken wing ( wasn't very cooked, so I didn't finish them)
1 cup earl grey tea

Think the deep frier was too hot, and the wings were not thawed enough. Came out not quite cooked. Disappointing.

Anyway, tomorrow's another bingeing day again... :( there is going to be a team lunch... gosh, I really don't want to think about it... read about it tomorrow, ya?

星期四, 十一月 04, 2004


绕着上路 走的累了
去留片刻 要如何取舍
前年捡的 美丽贝壳
心不透彻 不会懂多难得

以为只要简单的生活 就能平息了脉搏 却忘了在逃什么

我的爱 明明还在
该把幸福 找回来

我会在 沿海地带
送你回来 你走路姿态
微笑的神态 见你是曾错过的 真爱

以为只要简单的生活 就能平息了脉搏 却忘了在逃什么

我的爱 明明还在
该把幸福 找回来

我会在 沿海地带
送你回来 你走路姿态 微笑的神态 见你是曾错过的 真爱

莫非这是上天善意的安排 好让心更坚定 彼此更接近 真爱

我的爱 明明还在
该把幸福 找回来

试着忍耐 不再怕伤害 不再怕期待 见你时那才是我真爱

你走路姿态 微笑的神态 亲你时那才是我真爱

Food Journal Day 4

I'm stressed. Eat so much... :( Wanna see what I ate today? I think I'm starting to gross people out. :P

1 croissant
1 plate of bee hoon
1 glass of soya bean milk

1 plate spaghetti vongole
1/2 plate of garden greens

1 plate of rice
some vegetables
some braised meat

ARGH!!! I am hopeless... I actually have training today, that's why I ate pasta in the afternoon. Geez. Then it had to rain... I mean, POUR. We had to cancel training. Obviously my pasta stayed in my system. I wonder which side of the scale would I be... when I weigh myself this weekend. That's it, tomorrow I'm going gym again...

The Food Journal: Day 3

Day 3... it's 3 Nov. Not too good, I realised I entertain too much, maybe that's why I'm of this size...

1 x Khong Guan char siew pau
2 x roti prata (very thin frozen roti prata)
1 glass barley

Chicken rice meal to share, didn't finish rice
1 glass teh-o

1 Tall Latte from Starbucks

2 pints of pilsner beer
3 chicken winglets
Some calamari
1/2 german sausage

Geez, that's bad... I'm not a healthy eater... *sigh* ultimate depression.

It's rainy again, and it has a very familiar feel to it, almost like when I was young again. You know how it always rains at the end of the year and it's almost a sure sign that year-end school holidays are here, and Christmas is approaching? I haven't had that feeling for a long long time, and today (well in fact, this couple of weeks) I had that exact same feeling that I had many many eons ago. Cool! Well the not so cool thing is that, I get reminded that I'm getting old...

Ah well, hopefully day 4 will go better... this is NOT easy... heehee... :P

星期三, 十一月 03, 2004


问: 肉粽(Bah Zang)掉了,谁把它捡起来?
答:降龙。因为“降龙十八掌” (降龙拾bah zang)!

星期二, 十一月 02, 2004

The Food Journal - Day 2

Ok, I've logged in breakfast... so what did I eat for lunch?

1/2 plate of rice with curry gravy
Some roast pork
Some hainanese pork chop
Some braised veg
1/4 braised beancurd
2 slices of steamed squid with sambal chilli
1 cup teh-o

Hmm the reason why so much food was because I was out with the guys and they ordered some dishes from this famous hainanese curry rice stall to share. I didn't finish my rice... too much.

I went for netball training @ 7pm, and by 8.45pm, I felt my system slowly shutting down... too hungry. Training was quite intensive, kept doing courtwork, playing short games that lasted 5 to 6 goals each.

After training, we adjourned to Adam Road Hawker Centre for dinner... yikes, potential weight trap. My friend ordered indian rojak to share, but I only ate a bit. Well I think the fancl drink worked, cos I didn't really feel like eating... or maybe it was just because I was too tired?

1/2 plate of bee hoon goreng
2 slices of tau kwa
2 slices of potato
1 glass of starfruit juice

Now... I'm really tired... body still aches, it's a sign of fatigue... my body's screaming to me to go to bed... so... I think I shall just listen to my body, and go to sleep... G'night, folks!

The Food Journal Begins...

I know I know... I was supposed to blog it in yesterday... but I was so tired...

Now let's see...

Date: 1 Nov 2004

1 x Tau Sar Pau

3 x pork ribs
3 x fish slices
3/4 cup vegetable
1 bowl steamed white rice

3 glasses of red wine (Shiraz), half filled
A bit of warm bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Some Calamari fritti
Some Beef Carpacio (is this how they spell this word?)
Half a plate of Risotto Nero

Yikes... I think the wine killed me. I haven't weighed myself... dun have a weighing machine at home. Leonard's got the OSIM digital weighing machine that calculates body fat as well... but I will only get to use it during weekends... hmmm....

I actually went to the gym yesterday... ran on the treadmill for 30 mins, and did some weights. My body's aching all over now, actually. Felt much better... as though I lost weight... haha... but that's probably my illusion.

Oh yah... and I spent money... on this slim-up drink thingie from Fancl... not sure if it works, but it's supposed to aid in the burning of fats... and suppress the appetite... I bought 1 box... and they gave me 2 more bottles. Tried one, it tasted like grapefruit drink...

Anyway, that's yesterday... I'm going to make sure I eat healthily today... but from what I ate in the morning... it's not going so well...

Date: 2 Nov 2004

1 x peanut butter sandwich
1 x png kueh (the teochew pink glutinous kueh)
1 x sausage (boiled)
1 cup barley drink

Alamak...! But hey, I think they say that the most important meal of the day is breakfast right? So it is ok if I eat a little more...? Kekekeke... Aiyo... Lunch is almost here... I think we have a team lunch... darn, not sure what or where we would eat...

I'll be back with more after lunch!